Saturday, October 9, 2010

Watched Waiting for Guffman last night

I was laughing the whole time. Shows how NOT up-to-date I am on my movie watching. Waiting for Guffman is classic satire of simple people in smalltown America.  Maybe dry comedy to some, but I love that kind of humorous treatment of everyday life. I think of towns like Blaine now and then, where people grow up in their town and never leave it their entire life. Parker Posey did a rad version of a young girl whose lifetime career prospect seems to be working at the local Dairy Queen (DQ) her whole life. Fred Willard and Catherine O'Hara portray the "modern, hip" couple that seem to just fabricate their personal history for their own self-motivation and confidence. One day, I'd like to visit a small town like that. Thanks Netflix for that instant watch gem! I also just noticed that Hulu (and Netflix) are showing Black Sheep (Chris Farley). That is a must watch, right up there with Tommy Boy. RIP Chris of the greatest comics ever who makes me laugh and stay young.

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