Saturday, October 9, 2010

Reel-to-reel Tape Deck Coffee Table

I really like making things with wood and stuff.  A fews years back, my wife was reading an issue of the super rad ReadyMade magazine and found a re-purposed tape deck design idea for a table.  I thought it was the coolest marriage of classic analog tech, wood, and furniture.  Also, I think most mass-produced furniture is really crass, while custom is too expensive for my budget.
My wife and I love mid-century furniture.  So, I figured, I'll build one with just the right look.  Our first piece of furniture as a married family :D  I bought the Sony TC-730 tape deck off eBay for $50.  I specifically chose it for its classic knobs, meters, dials, and black background.  High quality wood from the great Reel Lumber (name fits the project!) in Anaheim, CA.  3/8 inch glass top from somewhere.  I don't recall.  The tape deck came in the original wood case, but that was a bit flimsy, which is why I rebuilt it.  Also, I cut 1.25"x1.25" square steel tube (Home Depot) for legs that attach directly to the wood, which requires strength and rigidity.  I also put plastic caps (Home Depot) at top and bottom of steel tube.  The steel tube is also covered with a clear lacquer spray to give it a shiny look and resist rusting.  A great pro painter friend of ours helped achieve the deep wood finish.  Anyway, this table always results in great conversation.  Kids love the gadgetry aspect and old-school look, while old folks always say "I had one of those before you were ever born".  Well, this table will last a long, long time.


  1. I'm looking to make this table! I am scouring Ebay for a good deal on the reel-to-reel. Great piece.

  2. Awesome! I had a great time making it. It's the #1 conversation piece in our house. I love how it makes old guys go into stories of having a reel-to-reel in their young days. Good luck and have fun building it.
